Managing your MT effectively is just as important as earning it. One common mistake players make is spending MT frivolously on packs or cards they don't really need. While it can be tempting to splurge on packs in the hopes of pulling a rare card, the reality is that the odds of getting a high-value card are often low. Instead, it's better to save your MT for targeted purchases that will strengthen your team. Before making any major purchases, consider whether the card you're eyeing will significantly improve your lineup or if it's just a luxury.
When building your team, try to focus on value players—those who offer strong performance for a reasonable price. These players might not have the highest ratings or be the most popular, but they can still contribute significantly to your team's success. By building a team of value players, you can maintain a competitive squad without draining your MT reserves. Over time, as you accumulate more MT, you can gradually upgrade your team by targeting specific high-impact players.
It's also important to be patient when building your team and managing your MT. The temptation to build a superstar lineup immediately can lead to overspending and depletion of your MT balance. Instead, take a long-term approach, gradually improving your team as you earn more MT and find good deals in the Auction House. This way, you'll avoid the frustration of running out of MT and having to grind excessively just to make basic upgrades.
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